
Social Security Scheme

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Instituted by JSPL Foundation, Social Security Support Scheme is an initiative that aims to support the underprivileged and those belonging to the weaker sections of the society. The scheme also assists traditional artisans, ethnic art/culture performers, social innovators at the grassroots level with small economic means and other individuals of palpable socio-cultural vulnerabilities through financial or any other form of support in the nature of social security.

Through this initiative, we try to identify individuals of merit and low economic means, who are otherwise unnoticed and deprived of major social security like pension, medical treatment, health insurance etc. by the mainstream system.

Over the years, we have extended our support to more than 139 families and provided financial support to them. Going forward, we hope to do our best to support the ones in need and give them and their families an opportunity to live a better life and rise above any situation. This is our aim and our hope for the future: A better world for everyone.