

Infrastructure is the key enabling conditions in improving the quality of life of the communities. It not only helps in contributing to better living conditions but also accelerates faster movement of goods and services.

Even as India emerges as a strong economic force in the sub-continent as well as the world, it is all the more crucial to narrow down the rural-urban divide across the country. To facilitate this, Jindal Foundation works closely with the community and the government to build synergetic partnerships that go beyond just building the basic rural infrastructure, and also equipping the rural areas with reasonable urban facilities. Creating the necessary supportive infrastructure, for sustainable healthcare, education and livelihood development is the primary motive of the Foundation.

While creating a critical rural infrastructure, the Jindal Foundation makes a need profile analysis and partners with the User local community for inducting their ownership and for enabling them for quality maintenance for the facilities created . JSP has contributed significantly towards the forward and backward linkages of villages in the areas of operation by building all weather roads. Several peripheral schools have been renovated or upgraded with the construction of boundary walls, additional classrooms, buildings, toilets etc. Several other activities have been carried out on the existing water bodies in order to create the requisite sustainable water infrastructure for the people living nearby.

The primary areas of intervention in this context include:

  • Creation of Boundary walls for schools: 60 schools
  • Provision of School Toilets: 40 School Toilets
  • Drinking water facilities at School/: 55 School drinking water facilities
  • Excavation and Rejuvenation of Ponds: 67 Ponds
  • Construction and repairing of access roads/ culverts: 70+ roads
  • Rural Gyms: 8 Rural gyms
  • Construction and expansion of Stadium and Sports Centres: 4 Stadium/ sports complex
  • Construction of bathing ghats and changing rooms at village pond: - 70+ bathing ghats and changing rooms near village pond
  • Construction of Bridge and upgrading the facilities/ Public utility places / Places of Worship / Community Kitchen:- Renovation and boundary wall for 24 sacred places, 31+ Community Kitchen Sheds/additional rooms, 16 Community Building
  • 2 Major Bridges and 100+ culverts constructed
  • Major Roads -Over 250 km roads laid
  • Electrification of 50+ villages / hamlets

Jindal Foundation works closely with the community and the government to build synergetic partnerships that go beyond just building the basic rural infrastructure, and also equipping the rural areas with reasonable urban facilities. Creating the necessary supportive infrastructure, for sustainable healthcare, education and livelihood development is the primary motive of the Foundation. Jindal Foundation has contributed significantly towards the forward and backward linkages of villages in the areas of operation by building all weather roads. Several peripheral schools have been renovated or upgraded with the construction of boundary walls, classrooms,community buildings, toilets etc


Jindal Foundation works closely with the community and the government to build synergetic partnerships that go beyond just building the basic rural infrastructure, and also equipping the rural areas with reasonable urban facilities. Creating the necessary supportive infrastructure, for sustainable healthcare, education and livelihood development is the primary motive of the Foundation. Jindal Foundation has contributed significantly towards the forward and backward linkages of villages in the areas of operation by building all weather roads. Several peripheral schools have been renovated or upgraded with the construction of boundary walls, classrooms,community buildings, toilets etc