Jindal Institute of Power Technology (JIPT) is a part of US$ 22 billion O P Jindal Group. JIPT is recognized by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Ministry of Power, Government of India, as a category-1 Institute.
The Institute is centrally Located Within The Premises Of O.P. Jindal Super Thermal Power Plant, Tamnar (CG) which allows the trainees to get regular exposure to the running power station of 4×250 mw & 4×600 mw. this facility, being unique, enhances the overall knowledge of students related to operation and maintenance of modern power plants.
International reach: JIPT has conducted training programmes for international power engineering trainees.
JIPT has established a name and reputation in the Thermal Power Generation Training area in the country with remarkable placement figures. Many recognised training institutes are opting JIPT for all power training, simulator training and other specialised training courses. Annual national seminars and conferences are well attended by top industry professionals. JIPT is poised to take a quantum leap by incorporating renewable energy and other energy training modules.
JIPT is well guided by Jindal Education and social welfare society. Jindal Power Ltd (JPL). Jindal Steel & Power Ltd are providing all necessary support to JIPT through Jindal Foundation in excelling.
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