Which of the below areas does the organization / individual work in? (Please mention any one that is deemed most important?)
Which geographies organization / individual operates in?
Please mention about a unique project / initiative / programme that the organization / individual has taken up in the last 3 years.(Not more than 300 words)
Why was the project / initiative / programme unique?(Not more than 300 words)
What was its impact on community?(Not more than 300 words)
What was the innovation in project / initiative / programme or how was it different?
Does the project / initiative / programme have any policy relevant angle?(Not more than 300 words)
Has the project / initiative / programme led to any specific collaboration or partnership?(Not more than 300 words)
If yes, please give details
Has the project / initiative / programme been replicated by someone else in the area or anywhere in the country?
If yes, please give details
What was the source of funding the project / initiative / programme?
Has the project / initiative / programme been covered by media?
If yes at what level
How many people or communities have benefitted from the project / initiative / programme?(Not more than 300 words)
How does the organization / individual plan to expand the project / initiative / programme? (Not more than 300 words)
If yes, please provide brief details of outreach or communication method
Has the NGO / organization ever been blacklisted? (Applicable in case of organization only)
If yes, by whom
The information entered herein is true to the best of my knowledge and the information provided may be used for publicity of the organization/initiative through various modes and channels.
Disclaimer:The selection of the awardees is the sole discretion of the jury based on pre-decided parameters. We reserve your right to withdraw the award if information provided is found to be incorrect.
Duly filled questionnaires can be forwarded to:
Email: awards@jsplfoundation.co.in
For more information reach us at : +91 92890 98181
Time : 9am to 6pm
Address:Rashtriya Swamyamsiddh Samman, Ms. Maitreyee Mishra, Jindal Steel & Power Limited, 3- Forest Park, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751009